Carl Edwards

From Guzmer Wiki
Carl Edwards
Guzmer Heads Up/Taboo Card
Carl Edwards Guzmer Heads Up/Taboo Card
Designed by Cory
Date created July 23, 2021; 2 years ago (2021-07-23)
Generation Gen 2
Reference Carl Edwards

A card in the Guzmer Heads Up/Taboo card game.


In 2014, Cory redeemed his Kellogg's Family Rewards points on a cardboard cutout of Carl Edwards. Ever since, he's treated it like a roommate (but distinct from the actual Carl Edwards). Cardboard Cutout Carl Edwards has a flat personality. It has two hobbies, NASCAR racing and being Cory's roommate. Cardboard Carl is never rude to anyone, and is considered to many to be a friend.